The totem place of the Bastille

  • The Bastille, base camp for the year 2022

    A tourist hotspot in the region, this military fort, overlooking Grenoble, dates from the 19th century.

    The tourist site welcomes more than 600,000 people a year from all over the world, half of whom take the cable car. It is an essential player in the tourist economy of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region.

    It is at 476 meters above sea level, one foot in the clouds, that we discover a panoramic and impregnable view of Grenoble day and night. Many cultural and sporting activities are offered:

  • Totem place:

     It is because of its many assets, cultural and heritage but also biological, natural and closest to the city, that the Bastille becomes the base camp of the Green Capital in 2022.

    The Bastille has an obvious historical interest but also cultural, naturalistic and viticultural. Many plant and animal species thrive due to the diversity of environments and the southern exposure of the slope.

    The site is recognized as a reservoir of biodiversity by the Regional Ecological Coherence Scheme (SRCE) and by the Territorial Coherence Scheme (Scot) while being classified as a Natural Area of Faunistic and Floristic Ecological Interest (ZNIEFF).

    A preserved natural area, the hill of the Bastille has become a place very popular with the inhabitants and appears as a real « air bubble » over the city. A small local mountain, accessible to all!

    Bastille the place totem

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