cable car bastille

Our eco-commitments – A month of February dedicated to Air

10 February 2022
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On the occasion of the title of Grenoble European Green Capital 2022, the Bastille is elected Totem place of this year and the Régie du Téléphérique is more committed than ever!

“Improving air quality by reducing atmospheric pollution, in particular that emitted by heating and automobile traffic. »

Grenoble European Green Capital Agency 2022

The carbon footprint is the tool for measuring the impact of human activities on climate change. Aware of these challenges, the Régie du Téléphérique works daily to reduce its carbon impact! Discover in this article our commitments!

Challenge: We are limiting emissions related to my travel and that of our visitors. We commit ourselves !

Did you know ?

The ski lift has two different motors! The cable car operates daily thanks to an electric motor. The second is a thermal emergency engine, used only in the event of failure of the first.

By 2025, the Régie du Téléphérique is committed to supplying its internal combustion engine with 100% green electricity!

Consult our eco responsible commitments here

  • The staff of the Régie du Téléphérique: We favor public transport or soft modes of mobility to come to work but also for our business trips; meetings, fairs, training…
  • Bastille operators: We issue ski lift free movement cards which we distribute to all personnel operating the Bastille site, so that they can access their place of work, without having to use their motorized personal vehicle.
  • Reception room rental: We offer the rental of two character reception rooms in the Fort de la Bastille, the Salle Lesdiguières and the Salle Dutrievoz. They host many corporate and family events! Since 2019, we have been renting these rooms, systematically including cable car transport for participants. Extensions of the opening of the cable car outside its usual hours are also proposed in order to limit the circulation of vehicles on the Bastille hill as much as possible.
  • Animations: All the animations we offer are accessible and offered only on presentation of a cable car ticket dated for the day. This year, we are strengthening our commitment by programming more ecological events, either in the format offered or in their content.

All of these actions make it possible to limit the presence of motorized vehicles on the Bastille site and thus reduce the carbon impact.

The Grenoble cable car is a soft mobility transport and we are proud of it!

cable car bastille

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