The Régie du Téléphérique is in charge of the maintenance of the cable car but also the cleaning of the cable car cabins.
This cleaning is done once or twice a week, depending on the season, and concerns both the interior and the exterior. The most effective technique is to use water, soap and elbow grease! Each service is done in a reasoned way to preserve water resources, especially in periods of high heat and drought!
From reasoned cleaning to Eco-washing:
To go beyond this good conduct, the cable car management has installed since January 2023, in the lower station of the cable car, a water recovery tank, in order to collect rainwater from the roof of the station.
Located in the old elevator machinery, this tank has a capacity of 1300 liters and allows 2 to 3 weeks of washing when it is full. This installation was equipped with a heating cord to use this system even in periods of frost.
Patricia Gallois, director of the cable car, specifies: “According to the rainfall over the past 5 years and our calculations with a recovery surface on the roof of 180 m2, we should be able to use this recycling all of the year! Water is a precious, we must be responsible in its use.»
Did you know?
According to Grenoble European Green Capital 2022, the Régie du Téléphérique communicated monthly throughout the year on its eco-commitments, and in particular on the theme of water in July 2002 .