On the occasion of the title of Grenoble European Green Capital 2022, the Bastille is elected Totem place of this year and the Régie du Téléphérique is more committed than ever!
“Strengthen our networks and calm the territory thanks to reasoned transport.”
Grenoble European Green Capital Agency 2022
Challenge 9.2 – Truly Public Transport
Examples of actions for Citizens:
• I subscribe to public transport.
• I use relay car parks to avoid returning to town with my car.
Example of action for Companies – Institutions:
• I encourage/encourage the use of public transport: communication, fixed price, access map, fares.
The Grenoble cable car, forerunner of guided public transport!
Inaugurated on September 9, 1934, the Grenoble cable car is one of the first urban cable cars in the world after Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town! Its technical characteristics:
• Operating system: back and forth, each cabin rolls on its carrying cable.
• Two dodecagonal cabins (twelve sides) in wood.
• Capacity: 15 people per cabin + 1 cabin attendant
It was not until 1976 that the famous “Bubbles” were born with the complete change of the device. The cable car becomes unidirectional and telepulsed. Two motors are then installed; an electric motor for its daily operation and a second thermal, emergency, used only in the event of failure of the first.
More details on this first urban cable car here
Today the mode of guided public transport has become a trend that large cities are tending to develop all over the world: low-carbon mode of transport, limit of the footprint of infrastructures, facilitated connections and reduced distances in difficult geographical areas. of access…
An incentive pricing policy: preferential rates for subscribers* to the M-TAG network
Because the Régie du Téléphérique is aware of the importance to be given to the use of public transport, it offers all year round to monthly or annual subscribers on the M-TAG network reduced rates for the Grenoble cable car: go -return at €6.10 instead of €9.00 one-way at €4.30 instead of €6.
*Compulsory presentation of the OURA card with its proof.
Daily commitments:
• The personnel of the Régie du Téléphérique: We favor public transport or soft modes of mobility to come to work but also for our business trips; meetings, fairs, training…
• Bastille operators: We issue free movement cards for the ski lift which we distribute to all personnel operating the Bastille site, so that they can access their place of work, without having to use as their personal motorized vehicle.
Integrate into the V63 thanks to secure parking lots.
The Vallée de l’Isère cycle route (V63) crosses three departments: Drôme, Isère and Savoie.
Its total length is about 200 km including 122 km in Isère. The V63 gives the opportunity to discover the department of Isère and all its riches in an exceptional setting: nature, steep mountains, panoramic view, fauna, flora, culture, history, …
The Régie du Téléphérique is committed jointly with local institutions to facilitating parking at the foot of the cable car for users of the V63 with the installation secure box futures.