cable car bastille

Our eco-responsible commitments – Waste

14 November 2022
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On the occasion of the title of Grenoble European Green Capital 2022, the Bastille is elected Totem place of this year and the Régie du Téléphérique is more committed than ever!

“In my place of life, work or study, I become a leader in reducing waste on a large scale and I find allies to promote zero waste together: compost, washable dishes, bulk purchases, homemade products, reuse, pooling, … »
Grenoble European Green Capital Agency 2022

Playful ashtrays
« I vote ! »

On the Bastille site and at the foot of the cable car station, you will find ashtrays allowing smokers to vote for their favorite massif.
A fun and civic way to throw away cigarette butts. So ? Rather Belledonne or Chartreuse?

The Grenoble cable car: a 100% repairable device!

The Grenoble cable car is a ski lift whose components are maintained, renovated or restored on site, and in-house, as far as possible. This greatly limits the production of waste as well as the environmental impact. Part of the Régie du Téléphérique operating team is dedicated to the maintenance and upkeep of the device, which represents a total of 4,000 hours of work each year!

At the same time, the Régie du Téléphérique participates in the recycling of greases, oils and cleaning products by storing them in retention tanks and transporting them to the recycling center for further processing.

Waste management at the Bastille: a daily challenge!

With more than 300,000 visitors a year to the Bastille tourist site, the Régie du Téléphérique acts on a daily basis to not only keep the site clean and welcoming, but also to ensure better waste management.

Selective sorting bins are thus installed in various points of the public space. Every day, and this several times, the technical agents of the Régie du Téléphérique, as well as the concessionaires of the Bastille site, collect their waste in sorting containers, which are then taken care of by the services of the Métropole. Two compost points are also available for restaurateurs.

Encourage volunteer clean-up operations!

The Régie du Téléphérique is regularly approached by associations wishing to volunteer for cleaning or depollution sites. The latest was organized by the collective “Chartreuse Propre” as part of Grenoble Capitale Verte Européenne 2022.

4 wild dumps planned were treated in this way: a car wreck, a large stock of glass and crockery, a dump from a small platform on the ascent road, scattered waste throughout the Bastille sector. Transport by cable car was offered to all volunteers and the communication of this event broadcast on social networks.

Committed event providers!

At Fort de la Bastille, many professional or family events are hosted in the Lesdiguières and Dutrievoz reception rooms.

Service providers working in these spaces are free, however some are referenced and recommended by the Régie du Téléphérique such as La Fine Fourchette, French caterer, ISO 20121 certified.

This certification rewards the social and environmental commitment of the company as well as its anchoring in the local economic fabric. From waste sorting to the selection of local suppliers and the fight against food waste… All the challenges of a sustainable approach are framed by an international standard!

Patrice Knecht, Managing Director of the company, explains: “La Fine Fourchette is a company with a strong social dimension, which is anchored in our DNA. As part of our continuous improvement process, we have accelerated our transition to a sustainable approach. Our certification came to punctuate our commitments centered around the three major pillars of CSR: environment, economy, social”

cable car bastille

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