On the occasion of the title of Grenoble European Green Capital 2022, the Bastille is elected Totem place of this year and the Régie du Téléphérique is more committed than ever!
“Intelligently manage the resource and facilitate access to water points for citizens. »
Grenoble European Green Capital Agency 2022
Did you know ?
Water is a rare commodity on the Bastille site!
To bring running water to Fort de la Bastille, a network of water pipes and boosters had to be set up in the 2000s from Grenoble city center to the fort.
A water point accessible to all, provided by the cable car company!
The Fort de la Bastille welcomes an average of 600,000 people per year; tourists, walkers, sportsmen, Grenoble residents, …
At any time of the day or night, a water point located in the central square of the fort allows everyone to quench their thirst for free. The Régie du Téléphérique maintains and provides this water point using its own funds. It is the same for the toilets of the Fort de la Bastille.
Concerned about having to manage this natural resource more responsibly, the Régie du Téléphérique is launching studies in 2022 aimed at recovering rainwater to supply the toilets of the Fort by 2025.
Reasonable and responsible cabin cleaning!
The Régie du Téléphérique is of course in charge of the maintenance of the cable car but also the cleaning of the cable car cabins. This cleaning is generally done once or twice a week, depending on the need, and can be adapted each time.
The technical agents can thus clean all the cabins with a jet of water and a brush or only some by hand. Cleaning can be done indoors and/or outdoors as needed. Each service is done in a reasoned way to best preserve water resources, especially in periods of high heat and drought!
We commit ourselves…
By 2025, the Régie du Téléphérique plans to be able to clean its cabins by collecting rainwater from the roof of the lower station.
Treatment of infiltrations and optimum drainage!
Paradoxically, if the supply of drinking water is complicated for the site of the Bastille, the heavy rains which have multiplied in recent years constitute an omnipresent danger for the fortification.
The tightness of all the buildings making up the fort is undermined and the infiltrations increase each year, requiring major rehabilitation work.
For the end of 2022, the waterproofing of the “Cavalier Casematé” will be repaired in two places: above the Mountain Troop Museum and the Dutrievoz room.
Better drainage will lead to better runoff of rainwater and thus a supply of groundwater.
Our partners are also engaged!
In order to further reduce the impacts of transporting water for consumption purposes, the Bastille Art Center implements daily actions such as:
- Provision of water bottles for the mediating team and the artists it hosts,
- A provision of ecocups as part of its festive events in order to limit the proliferation of plastic bottles, harmful to our oceans, because “Here begins the sea”!
I act on a daily basis
Here begins the sea!
• I do not throw any waste in the gutters, nor any cigarette butts in the public space.
• When I garden or do housework, I choose products that are not toxic to water and aquatic environments.
Find out more here.