cable car bastille

Our eco-commitments – Produce and consume differently

5 May 2022
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On the occasion of the title of Grenoble European Green Capital 2022, the Bastille is elected Totem place of this year and the Régie du Téléphérique is committed more than ever!

“Put ecological innovation at the heart of all actions and all decisions, to learn how to produce and consume differently.”

Grenoble European Green Capital Agency 2022

Did you know ?
In order to always guarantee the safety of travelers, each “Bubble” has a maximum lifespan of 12,000 hours, i.e. 3 years and a quarter. This is the time during which the cabin can legally remain on the cable. After that, it will have to go on a “Grande visite”. Since 1976, the “Bubbles” have been restored on site, the Régie du Téléphérique does not buy new ones!

The Grenoble cable car: a 100% repairable device!

The Grenoble cable car is a ski lift whose components are maintained, renovated or restored on site, and in-house, as far as possible. Part of the cable car management team is dedicated to the maintenance and upkeep of the device, and this represents a total of 4,000 hours of work each year!

The restoration of the cabins is one of the operations that is done in-house in the workshop located at the top station of the cable car. Each year, 2 or even 3 cabins are completely stripped and renovated with their suspension. This long and delicate operation, known as the “Grande Visite”, represents 150 hours of work per cabin.

The Régie du Téléphérique maintains and operates the Bastille site in collaboration with concessionaires who also have the influence of the tourist site at heart. They implement sustainable actions on a daily basis to develop their service while respecting and even preserving the place that welcomes them.

But also…
The Fort de la Bastille has two reception rooms which host professional and family events. The Régie du Téléphérique team supports its customers in the preparation of their events by offering them committed service providers using local products and short circuits.

The Restaurant Chez Le Pèr’Gras located at the top of the Bastille glacis is recognized as a Maître Restaurateur!

Since December 2009, Laurent Gras, chef and owner, has been certified by the Prefecture of Isère Maitre Restaurateur de France. This title was renewed in 2013 and 2018. This quality label certifies production based on fresh, local products and on-site production by our team of cooks. This title represents a demanding approach which guarantees you a know-how and quality welcome in our house.

Let’s talk about the Center d’art bastille. Located in the heart of the Fort de la Bastille, it offers a unique approach to contemporary art through exhibitions whose works are mainly produced in-situ, for their exhibitions and for their place!

All this means:
• A reduction in the transport of works since they are produced on site,
• A different consumption because the materials used for the realization of in-situ works are purchased at the scale of the territory.

cable car bastille

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