cable car bastille

Who we are

Discover the Régie du Téléphérique Grenoble-Bastille (RTGB), a public establishment dedicated to the operation of the Bastille cable car and tourist site. Find out more about its missions and its ecological, social and technological commitments.

Vue d'ensemble du site touristique
cable car bastille

Who is the Régie du Téléphérique Grenoble-Bastille?

The Régie du Téléphérique Grenoble-Bastille (RTGB) is a Public Industrial and Commercial Establishment (EPIC) under the management of the city of Grenoble. It has moral and financial responsibility for the cable car and the Bastille tourist site. The company’s financial equilibrium is based exclusively on the commercial operation of these infrastructures, with no operating subsidies.

cable car bastille

Our missions

RTGB‘s main missions are:

  • Operation and Operation and maintenance of the cable car: To ensure the smooth operation of the cable car, while complying with cable transport safety standards.
  • Enhancing and promoting the Bastille tourist site: In collaboration with the concessionaires, the Régie works to enhance the site by offering cultural and tourist activities.
cable car bastille

Standards, safety and management

The quality of RTGB‘s services is based on constant monitoring and application of STRMTG (Service Technique des Remontées Mécaniques et des Transports Guidés) safety standards. The entire Régie works to ISO 9001 standards, as part of a continuous improvement process.

cable car bastille

Our commitments

  • Political: Adopt decisions voted on by our board of directors, ensuring good governance of the management.
  • Economical: Optimize the quality/price ratio for our customers, while respecting our budget.
  • Social: Make the cable car and the site accessible to everyone, with trained and adaptable staff.
  • Ecological: Take climatic conditions into account and protect our built and natural heritage. Implement CSR policies and ecological commitments.
  • Technological: Innovate in the operation and maintenance of the cable car and support innovation projects, in particular by supporting student initiatives.
  • Legal, Regulatory: Ensure regulatory and legislative compliance, acquire the necessary skills, and promote versatility within the staff.
cable car bastille

Our team

Pierre Ydoux


Jérôme Locatelli


Patrick Lopez
Heritage Manager


Marie Térézakis
Public Accountant


Sophie Garnier
Marketing Manager


Thibaut Conesa
Cable Car Operation Manager


Patricia Gallois


Maxime Guillet
Car Cable operator and maintenance agent


Youcef Merzouki
Quality manager and operator


Hugo Couturier
Car Cable operator and maintenance agent


Michael Fauchot
Revenue manager and operator


Nathalie Boyat
Accounting assistant


Rexhep Rashica


Yanis Chekour
Cable Car Station agent


Stéphane Marron


Julie Gataleta
Customer and Event Manager


Laurène Winandy
Customer Manager


Grenoble’s Bastille and its cable car have been awarded the “Site Touristique Emblématique en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme 2022-28” label, as part of a network of 211 sites.